Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

Instead of going shopping on Black Friday, my parents took me and my cousin, Megan, to the Cleveland Metroparks Rainforest. It was so much fun. Not too many people were there so we were able to take our time looking at all the nice animals.

Here is Megan and I by the waterfall at the front entrance!

Afterwards, Megan came over for dinner and we relaxed together. It was a fun day together!

Monday, November 23, 2009

1st Birthday!

Today I turned 1 years old! We had a small party with a few of my friends and family. It was exciting. My Mom and Grandma Cootie made soups and sandwiches for everyone. Afterlunch, my dad gave me this tasty treat. The yellow inside part was okay, but the frosting was the best. I eventually licked all of it off! I can't wait for another birthday!