Tuesday, July 28, 2009


We went to the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo for my mom and dad's 2 year anniversary! I just loved spending the day with my parents. Here I am at the Rainforest!
Here is a creepy tarantula!

Baby Giraffe!
Here kitty, kitty....

Milk Frogs are soooo cute!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Getting ready to go!

Okay...here I go...


Taking a break....

I did it!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Meeting the Cooties!

Here I am with my mom's cousin Mary. She just couldn't wait to meet me! Standing with us are my second cousins Andrew, Rebecca, and Jennifer. In the background is my second cousin Christopher and my Great Aunt Nancy and Great Uncle Fred.

Here I am coping a feel on my second cousin Jennifer!

I love fresh Green Beans...and my Great Aunt Sally!

This is my second cousin Paige! I just loved sitting with her.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July!

We were so happy to have my Great Uncle Duree, Second Cousin Ben and his wife Judy join us for 4th of July this year! I wasn't so sure about my Great Uncle Duree...or that beard of his, but I felt safe having Judy nearby. I just love her to pieces! I can' wait to see them again in September for my Grandma Cootie and Great Uncle Mike's 60th Birthday!

What can I say, I just love napkins!

Here I am with my Grandpa Cootie. We were celebrating not only 4th of July, but also my Grandpa Cooties 63rd birthday and retirement. We got him a splitting axe....he was so excited to chop wood for us!