This is Cory, Doris and Carol at the God's Faithful Followers Valentine's Dance. It was my
first dance ever and I had a great time! I just love it when Doris and Carol hold me. Cory is fun to talk to as well.
For those of you who don't know, my mom has been volunteering at God's Faithful Followers for 10+ years now. It is a program on Thursday nights for mentally and physically challenged adults. Every Thursday GFF meets and Carol tells everyone a bible story and we sing songs. Afterwards there are crafts to make and beverages to eat and drink. The last Thursday of each month there is a birthday dinner and event. For the month of February we celebrated all the February birthdays. This included both my mom and my dad. Afterwards, there was a Valentine's day dance. Walter just loves the dances and he invites my Grandma Cootie each time there is a dance.
Here I am dancing with Grandma Cootie. When I am old enough, I will have to save a dance for Walter. He is a dancing master!