Friday, February 27, 2009

Daddy's Birthday

Miss Heather took these pictures of me today at school for my daddy's birthday. Today he is 29 years old. He picked me up from school today. It was so exciting because usually my mommy picks me up. I had a nice birthday card waiting for him in my drawer at school. He was so surprised to open it. I wrote my name inside of it and everything (of course I had help from Grandma Cootie with this last night). He loved it!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Valentine's Dance at GFF!

This is Cory, Doris and Carol at the God's Faithful Followers Valentine's Dance. It was my
first dance ever and I had a great time! I just love it when Doris and Carol hold me. Cory is fun to talk to as well.

For those of you who don't know, my mom has been volunteering at God's Faithful Followers for 10+ years now. It is a program on Thursday nights for mentally and physically challenged adults. Every Thursday GFF meets and Carol tells everyone a bible story and we sing songs. Afterwards there are crafts to make and beverages to eat and drink. The last Thursday of each month there is a birthday dinner and event. For the month of February we celebrated all the February birthdays. This included both my mom and my dad. Afterwards, there was a Valentine's day dance. Walter just loves the dances and he invites my Grandma Cootie each time there is a dance.

Here I am dancing with Grandma Cootie. When I am old enough, I will have to save a dance for Walter. He is a dancing master!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Rocking Horse!

My Grandma Cootie won this great rocking horse for me and my cousin Owen. I am so glad that Owen isn't around too often, because this means that I get to enjoy this great toy all the time! Watch out Owen...we will have to dook it out when you do come into town! HA HA!

Mom and Dad's Birthday Celebration!

It was my mom's birthday on Sunday, February 22, 2009. She turned 30! I can't believe how old she is already. We went to Grandma Cootie's house on Saturday to celebrate. We also celebrated my dad's birthday which is Friday, February 27, 2009. He is only 29 though. They let me have a little bit of frosting. It was so yummy! Dad thought it was funny to get the blue frosting all over my mouth. I looked like a least my mouth was smurf like!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Elizabeth's First Week of School

These pictures were taken by Elizabeth's teacher on Friday. This completed her first full week of school! She did a great job and was very well behaved. She practiced her tummy time quite a bit too. Ms. Heather told me that she started liking tummy time more when she was put in front of the mirror so she could see herself.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Pictures from Valentine's Day Party

Here are a couple more pictures from Elizabeth's first day of school. These are pictures that her teacher, Heather, took during their Valentine's Day Party!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Grandma Menges

We went over to Grandma and Grandpa Menges' house for dinner tonight. My mom and dad LOVE Grandpa Menges' fish dinners. I was very tired today, but Grandma Menges rocked me so I could catch some Zzzzz!

The Many Faces of Elizabeth

Elizabeth is starting to shine! Each day she becomes more aware of her surroundings and likes to shower her little personality! I love taking pictures of her now because of all the fun faces she makes. These were taken in a 2-5 minute span of time and look at all the different faces she has made. I love it!

Friday, February 13, 2009

First Day of School

Today was Elizabeth's first day at Kindercare! She had a great time and made lots of new friends. Her teacher, Heather, said that she was cheerful all day long. They had a big Valentine's Day party where they sang silly Valentine's Day songs and read some stories too. Elizabeth likes her new school, teacher and friends. She can't wait to return on Tuesday!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Exersaucer Time!

Yesterday, Grandma Cootie and I put together Elizabeth's exersaucer. We received this as a gift from my coworkers and boy does Elizabeth love it. She is still a little small for this toy, but I make sure she is highly supervised. She loves touching everything and standing up in it (we have to put a pillow underneath her feet, because she is still to short to touch the bottom). I had to post all these pictures of her, because she was having such a fun time in it.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Visiting Uncle Duree, Cousin Ben and Judy

We went to see Uncle Duree and my mom's cousin Ben and his wife Judy. I really was interested in looking at Uncle Duree's beard. I am not used to seeing people with these kinds of things on their face, but I think it suits Uncle Duree just fine! I really liked my cousin Judy. She really knows how to rock a baby well. She rocked me to sleep so well that I just didn't want her to stop. I kept waking up when she would set me down as a ploy for her to pick me up again. It worked a little bit, but her arm must have been tired since I am so heavy now.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl

It was surprising that Elizabeth was able to catch some Zzzzzs in the middle of the Super Bowl. As most of us know, Uncle Steve is a HUGE fan of the Steelers and was hooting and hollering throughout the whole night. This didn't seem to bother Elizabeth!

Grandma Cootie liked showing Elizabeth how to "say" TOUCH DOWN...especially when the Cardinals scored.