Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tummy Time

Elizabeth is still not sure about her tummy time, but she is doing better each day with holding her head up! She is also becoming more aware of the toys attached to it and likes looking at the different shapes and colors.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

2 Month Doctor's Visit

Elizabeth has been all smiles lately! She is really starting to show her personality. Sometimes it looks like she is trying to hold a conversation. Today she had her 2 month doctor's visit. I can't believe that 2 months have gone by already! Time has flown by. Elizabeth got her immunization shots today. I have never heard her scream so loud! She continued screaming even though no sound was coming out! Boy did her face turn crimson red! She was a trooper though.

Elizabeth has been progressing so well. She has been sleeping in her crib upstairs in her bedroom for about a week and a half now. Ever since she has transitioned upstairs she has been sleeping through the night. We put her down at 10:00pm and she sleeps until about 5:30am. I give her a bottle and change her diaper and she goes back to sleep until about 9:30am. I love it! Yesterday was the first time we did not swaddle her before bed. She did great! I haven't been swaddling her since and she has been doing fine with this.
I return to work in 3.5 weeks and I am so excited for her to start daycare. I tell her all the time that she is going to attend a school and that she is going to make so many friends there. I am so curious to see how she reacts to seeing other kids her age. I am sure she will just sit back and take it all in.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Here are more cute pictures of Elizabeth with her cousin, Owen!


I can't believe that Elizabeth is almost 2 months old! Time has flown by so quickly. She is becoming more and more alert each day. She also is awake for longer period of time during the day and is starting to sleep for longer periods of time at night!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Grandpa's Girls...and Otis

Grandpa Menges just loves his little granddaughters! Here he is with Megan and Elizabeth. Otis decided he needed some attention too! Otis is Megan's kitty she found outside. He is just a few months old and is such a cuddler.

Little Miss Helper

Our neice, Megan, is such the little helper! She just loves her new cousin. She loves holding her, feeding her and strolling her around...unless Elizabeth is crying and fussing! We will have to teach her how to be a master swaddler like Elizabeth's Uncle Brian and then she will be able to settle her down.